Bibliography 2015-2023

This bibliography contains five distinct sections:

  1. Chapters in Books about Morrison and her works
  2. Books about Morrison and her works
  3. Articles about Morrison and her works
  4. Dissertations about Morrison and her works
  5. Works by Toni Morrison herself.

The Articles, Chapters, and Books by and about Morrison and her works were compiled using the MLA International Bibliography, PsycInfo, Sociological Abstracts, WorldCat, Essay and General Literature Index (H.W. Wilson), Newspaper Source Plus, MasterFILE Premier, International Index to Black Periodicals, Expanded Academic ASAP, Academic Onefile, Humanities International Index, Humanities Abstracts, Left Index, Race Relations Abstracts, Gender Studies Database, Communication Source, Africa-Wide Information, and JSTOR. The dissertation and thesis section was compiled using ProQuest Digital Dissertations and ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.

All of these databases were accessed via the Oklahoma State University Libraries and the Northwestern University Libraries.

Download 2015 - 2023 Bibliography:

  Articles (PDF)

  Book Chapters (PDF)

  Books (PDF)

  Dissertations (PDF)

  Download 2012-2014 Bibliography (PDF)

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  Download 2008-2011 Bibliography (PDF)

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  Download 2005-2008 Bibliography (PDF)

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  Download 2000-2006 Bibliography (PDF)